
The Governors are responsible for the Strategic Direction of the school. They make and approve the policies under which the school operates. For the Governor Statement on Vision, Values and Strategy  click here.



(Includes Pay & Staff Sub. C)
Terms of Reference – Membership Minimum shall be four gov’s Consisting of the Chair of Govs, the HT plus two other governors and the Bursar.

The quorum for a meeting shall be at least four governors. Minutes taken by Clerk to Govs.

Terms of Reference – Membership Minimum shall be the HT, a representative teacher, a foundation governor and one other governor.

The quorum for a meeting shall be at least three members. Minutes taken by Clerk to Govs.

Terms of Reference – Membership As a minimum the committee shall consist of HT, Chair of Gov’s and a foundation governor

The quorum for a meeting shall be at least three members. Minutes taken by member.

Terms of Reference – Membership As a minimum, the committee shall consist of three governors. A Committee Chair shall be appointed by the committee members.

The Governing Body may co-opt non-governors onto the Committee as necessary. Co-opted non-governors may not vote on any matter.

The quorum for a meeting shall be three governors. Minutes taken by a governor.

Dan Barley (Ch. of Gov’s)
Lynn Evans Tillie Graves Vivien Hennessey Gavin Beetham (HT)In attendance – School Bursar
Peter Harrison Sarah Tonkin
Dan Barley Sharon Rana  Gavin Beetham (HT)
Dan Barley (Ch. of Gov’s)
Liz D
Jerry Taylor Lynn Evans Gavin Beetham (HT)
Peter Harrison Lyn Evans    Liz D
Dan Barley
Peter Harrison
Dan Barley  Appointed External Adviser
– Clare Allen (Context2Cognition)
Chairperson – Dan Barley Chairperson – Sarah Tonkin Chairperson – (information presented by HT for governor monitoring) Chairperson – (to be appointed by committee members) Chairperson – Dan Barley

Clerk to the Governers

Governor Pecuniary Interests

Name Role Appointed Term of


Appointing Body Business and pecuniary interests Material interests Date ended
Daniel Barley Co-Chair 25/02/21 4 Years LA  Head of Finance for Women and Children’s Services NHS


Trustee of Friends of Nottingham Mental Health

Sharon Rana Co-Chair 01/06/21 4 Years Parent None N/A
Gavin Beetham HT 28/08/2006 N/A Staff Pexofficio) None N/A
Elizabeth Daines 19/09/23 4 Years Foundation None N/A
Peter Harrison 14/11/23 4 Years Foundation Minister Thurlaston Chapel N/A
Vivien Hennesey 4 Years Foundation None N/A
Lyn Evans Vice-Chair 22/11/22 4 Years Foundation CE Property Assets Ltd N/A
Sarah Tonkin 13/10/21 4 Years Staff None N/A
Tillie Graves 4 Years Parent None N/A


Meeting Attendance

Academic  Year 2023-24
Full Governing Body Finance Health and Safety
Name 12/10/23 14/03/24 13/06/24 02/11/23 07/03/24 06/06/24 26/10/23 31/01/24 08/05/24
Daniel Barley P P P P P P A P P
Sharon Rana P P P P P P
Gavin Beetham P P P P P P P P P
Elizabeth Daines P P P A P P
Peter Harrison P A A P P P
Vivien Hennesey PObserver P P P P P P P P
Lyn Evans P P P P P P P P P
Sarah Tonkin P P P P P P
Tillie Graves P P P P P P P P P

P= present

A= Absent

– = not applicable

L = Left

Academic  Year 2024-25
Full Governing Body Finance Health and Safety
Daniel Barley
Sharon Rana
Gavin Beetham
Elizabeth Daines
Peter Harrison
Vivien Hennesey
Lyn Evans
Sarah Tonkin
Tillie Graves