Looking for Childcare – A SureStart Guide
Contact: Dfes Publications, PO Box 5050, Annesley, Nottingham NG15 0DL
Quote reference: SESC06-17
Parents Centre
Parents Centre is for all parents and carers who want to help their child or children to learn. It is here to offer support, information nad advice about your child’s learning and the English education system.
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)
For serious complaints and/or concerns about registered childcare providers. Contact: Alexandra House, 33 Kingsway, London, WC2B6SE.
Helpline: 0300 123 4666
A-Z of central government. Lots of information on parental employment rights and benefits.
Childcare Careers
Information, advice and case studies on careers on childcare.
Parental Involvement
Information on all aspects of parental involvement can be found on this site.
Child Benefit Enquiry Line
Telephone: 0300 200 3100
Jobcentre Plus
Disability Benefits Helpline
Telephone: 0800 121 4433
Tax Credits Helpline
You might be able to get help with paying for childcare. Information on Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit.
Telephone: 0345 300 3900
Department of Trade and Industry
A range of guidance on parental rights is available.