Class 3 Curriculum

Please find below an overview of the curriculum for this class. If you require further information please ask the class teacher in the first instance. Each term a curriculum letter is sent out from each class.

Skills Progression Grids


2024-25 Autumn Spring Summer
Science  Sound Electricity Teeth and Digestion States of Matter Light
History Savage Stone Age Bronze Age to Iron Age Romans
Geography Exploring the World Land Use
Computing The Internet Audio Production Repetition in Shapes Repetition in games Data Logging Photo Editing
DT Mini-Greenhouses Torches and Lightboxes
Art Pop Art – Warhol Plant Art Famous Buildings
Music Theme and Variations – Pop Art Rock and Roll Whole Class Instrumental Whole Class Instrumental Adapting and Transposing Motifs – Romans  Ballads
RE What do Christians learn from the creation story? What do Hindus believe God is like? What does it mean to be a Hindu living in Britain today? What kind of a world did Jesus want? For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost? How and why do people try to make the world a better place?
PE Gym/Invasion Games Gym/Invasion Games Swimming 

Net/Wall Games


Net/Wall Games

Dance/Athletics OAA/Athletics

Text: Voice’s in the Park (Y4)


Story Pattern: Change


Focus: Character


NF: Persuasive

Text: My Dad’s a Birdman (Y3)

Story Pattern: Wishing 

Focus: Dialogue

NF: Newspaper

POETRY WEEK: 5th December

Text: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (Y3)


Story Pattern: Fantasy


Focus: Settings


NF: Information

Poetry Week: 3rd January

Text: The Wild Robot (Y3)

Story Pattern: Suspense

Focus: Suspense

NF: Instructions

Text: The Battle of Bubble and Squeak (Y3)

Story Pattern: Warning Tale

Focus: Description

NF: Explanation

Text: By Ash, Oak and Thorn (Y4)

Story Pattern: Journey

Focus: Action

NF Discussion Environment

Relationship, Health and Sex Education TEAM VIPs Digital Wellbeing Safety First Aiming High Money Matters
Modern Foreign Language French Niveau Bleu 1 Niveau Bleu 2 Niveau Blanc 3 Niveau Blanc 4 Niveau Bleu 5 Niveau Bleu 6



2025-26 Autumn Spring Summer
Science  Rocks Fatal Forces and Mega Magnets Habitats Plants Nutrition and Movement
History Comparing Ancient Civilizations (Shang, Sumer and Benin) Awful Ancient Egyptians Local History


Geography Exploring Europe! Volcanoes, Earthquakes (equator/tropic of Cancer) UK Counties/ Regions, topographical features
Computing Connecting computers Desktop Publishing Branching databases Sequencing Sounds Events and actions in Programs Stop Frame animation
DT Gears and Pulleys Motorised Cars
Art Amazing Artists: (Dots, Splashes & Scratches) Canopic Jars Recycled Art
Music Composition Notation – Ancient Egyptians Developing Singing Technique – Vikings

Pentatonic Melodies and Composition – Chinese New Year

Haiku, Music and Performance – Hanami Festival

Body and Tuned Percussion – Rainforests


RE What is it like to follow God? How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? What is the Trinity and why is it important to Christians? Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday? What do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim? How and why do people mark the significant events of life?
PE Dance/Invasion Games Dance/Invasion Games Swimming
Gym/Athletics Gym/Athletics
Literacy Text: The Day the Crayon’s Quit (Y4)

Story Pattern: Losing Tale

Focus: Description

NF: Persuasion

Text: The Abominables (Y3)

Story Pattern: Beating the Monster

Focus: Character

NF: Information

(Himalayan Mountains)

Text: The Firework Maker’s Daughter (Y4)

Story Pattern: Journey

Focus: Action

NF Instructions

Text: Featherlight (Y3)

Story Pattern: Suspense

Focus: Suspense

NF: Explanation

Text: Llama out Loud (Y3)

Story Pattern: Wishing Tale

Focus: Dialogue

NF: Newspaper

Text: The Last Bear (Y4)

Story Pattern: Change

Focus: Settings

NF Discussion

Relationship, Health and Sex Education Be Yourself Diverse Britain One World Think Positive It’s My Body Growing Up
Modern Foreign Language French Niveau Blanc 1 Niveau Blanc 2 Niveau Bleu 3 Niveau Bleu 4 Niveau Blanc 5 Niveau Blanc 6
